大坝很高,水流湍急。 白鹤滩水电站16台机组首次全面并网发电。 在发电机组内部,超过 16,000 个磁轭冲孔板堆叠成 900 层,形成转子磁轭。 最大中心偏差不超过0.02毫米,刷新“中国精度”。
南海之滨,万帆竞相。 从“三天一层楼”到“三天一制度创新”,深圳续写“春天的故事”。 2万多家国家高新技术企业支持国际科技创新中心,再次创造“中国速度”。
习近平总书记在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会报告中庄严宣告:“从现在起,中国共产党的中心任务是团结带领全国各族人民全面建设社会主义现代化国家,实现第二个百年奋斗目标。 全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。”
这是一个伟大的号召,这是前进的号角。 更加清晰、更加科学、更加切实可行的现代化蓝图,激发了时代发展进步的洪流,凝聚了爱国斗争的磅礴力量,努力推进中国式现代化。 。
当今中国,人民群众的积极性、主动性、创造性进一步激发,志气、力量、信心空前增强。 在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学指引下,亿万中国人民精神上万众一心、万众一心,坚定不移地朝着建设强国、民族复兴的宏伟目标而努力。 前进。
“红旗渠很有教育意义,大家都应该来看看。” 去年10月,习近平总书记在党的二十大后首次进京考察时来到河南安阳林州市红旗渠。
1960年至1969年,林县10万群众在千峰峻岭的太行山上凿山穿沟,修建了这条全长1500公里的红旗渠。 精神丰碑。
“社会主义是靠艰苦奋斗、艰苦奋斗、牺牲生命换来的,不仅过去如此,新时代更是如此。” 习近平总书记语重心长地说。
我们走的道路是中国特色社会主义道路; 我们所从事的是中国特色社会主义伟大事业。 这是一条别人没有走过的路,是一项“史无前例的开创性事业”。
只有在困难的时候,人才会表现出勇气。 我们党带领人民在不懈的探索和实践中,形象地阐释了事业发展的必然逻辑——只有社会主义才能救中国,只有社会主义才能发展中国,只有坚持和发展中国特色社会主义才能实现中华民族伟大复兴被实现。
“我的家是玉麦,我的国家是中国。” 在喜马拉雅山南麓的西藏隆子县玉麦乡,放牧、巡逻边境的村民家家户户都高挂着五星级红旗。 30多年前,年轻的卓嘎肩负起玉麦乡镇长的责任,走上了巡边边疆的道路。 她的故事感动了整个国家。 如今的玉麦,道路平坦,房屋完好,人民幸福。 “玉麦乡的发展变化,是党中央关怀的结果,是祖国繁荣富强的缩影。有国才有家,我们一定要守护好每一个乡镇。”祖国领土上的一草一木!” 盯着那面鲜艳的五星级红旗,卓嘎深情的说道。
迎着初升的朝阳,五星级红旗在江苏省灌云县开山岛冉冉升起。 海风呼啸,国旗飘扬。 岛上民兵在缓缓升起的国旗前立正敬礼。 1986年国庆节,王继才、王士华在开山岛上升起了第一面五星级红旗。 从那时起,随着天气的变化,岛上每天都会升起国旗。 在王继才夫妇的感召下,一批又一批年轻人拿起了保岛、保家、爱国贡献的接力棒。
习近平总书记深情地说:“爱国主义是世界上最深沉、最持久的情感,是一个人道德的源泉,是立功之本。” 胸怀家国,每个人的视野都可以如此广阔。 这场斗争将留下深刻的印记。
传承有序,历史的接力棒传递到当下; 青春有为,振兴重任重任。 习近平总书记在视察红旗渠时寄语青年:“年轻一代要继承和发扬艰苦奋斗、自力更生、艰苦奋斗的精神,摒弃傲慢、狭隘之气,像我们的父辈一样,将青春的激情铭刻在历史的丰碑上。” ”
红旗渠旁,90后年轻人陈龙去年回乡创业,带领乡亲们种植糯玉米,却遭遇重大挫折。 喝红七渠水长大的老支书说:“我们红七渠的孩子,连山顶都可以搬,这次还怕失败吗?”
谌龙重整旗鼓,夜以继日地在田间劳作,用辛劳和汗水换来了今年的丰收。 “红旗渠精神具有超越时空的力量,我将继续努力,淬炼成长,为祖国增添色彩,丰富我的人生。” 杰出的。”
青年强则国家强。 在习近平总书记的深切关怀和激励下,广大青年满怀豪情、勇敢奋斗,成为中华大地上一道充满生机、奋进的亮丽风景,激起建设强国的澎湃动力和民族复兴。
头戴草帽,皮肤黝黑,背着米棍、网袋、秤,中国农业大学2021级博士生郝占红每天穿梭于田间地头,测量各地块玉米粒的产量。 。
“您好!信已收到,很高兴获悉,你们通过学校设立的科技庭院,深入田野、深入乡村,在服务乡村振兴的同时,改善民生、培育知识。” 今年5月4日五四青年节前夕,中国农业大学科技学院的学生收到了习近平总书记的回信。
他们把习近平总书记的回信读了一遍又一遍,越读越有动力。 “我们既是研究生,做研究、写论文;我们也是老师,到田间地头给农民指导、讲课。每一天都很充实、很有意义。” 与科院结缘五年的郝占宏说。
2009年,中国农业大学探索在曲周县设立小型科技学院。 截至目前,各地已设立科技机构1048个,覆盖31个省份。
国庆前夕,他们白天下田劳动,晚上组织培训、传播农业技术。 老师和学生们都没有休息的意思。 饿了,我就蹲在田埂上,卷起大葱,吃着大饼。 每个人都晒黑了,像“老师傅”一样干活。 培训老乡的时候,没有什么正式的行话,都是接地气、家常的。 讲话。
“剑须在石上磨砺,人要在物上修行,不经历风雨,见识过世间,难成大器。” 习近平总书记的谆谆教导,化作“写大地论文”的生动实践。
8月初,黑龙江省尚志市遭受严重洪涝灾害。 杨春贵所在的老街集乡龙王庙村受灾严重。
“我一直惦记着受灾难影响的人们。” 9月7日,习近平总书记来到这里看望慰问遇难者。 总书记走进杨春贵家,看到房屋修缮即将完成,生产生活都安排妥当,感到非常欣慰。
杨春贵回忆说,关键时刻英雄无处不在。 党员干部和人民战士冒着暴雨、特大洪水; 洪水退去后,工作队清淤、清除垃圾、抢排积水、运送垫料、食物、确定补贴,甚至动用无人机增施叶面肥,全力挽回灾害损失——农作物受灾...
如今,灾后黑土地上到处都是忙碌的施工场景。 “房屋正在修缮,为秋收做准备。” 杨春贵和村民们充满信心。 “在总书记和党中央的关怀下,我们将齐心协力,克服困难,努力建设美好家园,相信日子一定会越来越好。”
“实践证明,只要党和人民始终站在一起、心心相印、齐心协力,任何风浪都不能动摇我们钢铁般的意志,任何困难都阻挡不了我们铿锵有力的脚步。” 习近平在2023年春节集体看望时说,总书记讲话坚定。
“让我们踏上新的征程,向着新的目标出发!” 党的第二十次全国代表大会闭幕后不到一周,习近平总书记来到陕西延安,发出伟大号召。
习近平总书记在参加第十四届全国人大一次会议江苏代表团审议时强调,“高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务”,明确了推动高质量发展的必由之路、战略依据和必然要求。 、最终目标等
“总书记来到我们总装车间时,每60秒就有一辆新能源汽车下线。过去几个月,我们完成了生产线的智能化改造,现在只需要53秒!” 在熙熙攘攘的总装车间里,广汽E安一智能制造中心总装车间工程师张子初兴奋地说,“别小看这7秒,这意味着生产效率得到了大幅提升!”
今年4月,习近平总书记在全国两会后首次来到广东考察。 “实现高水平科技自力更生、自力更生,是中国式现代化的关键。” “中国式现代化不能走现实化走向虚拟化的道路,必须加快构建以实体经济为支撑的现代产业体系。”……总书记的重要指示,指明了方向、提供了指引为推动高质量发展。
高水平科技自立自强扎实推进,一系列突破性进展和标志性成果令人振奋。 在安徽合肥,“人造太阳”全超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置(EAST)迎来重大突破; 江西万安自主育成的油菜新品种“中油早1号”刷新高产新纪录...
创新活力澎湃,新产业新产品生长良好,发展新动能不断形成。 国产大飞机C919首次商业飞行、全球首台16兆瓦海上风电机组并网发电、全球首座自主第三代核电技术示范堆“华龙一号”通过竣工验收...
“用科技创新开辟发展新领域、新轨道,打造发展新动能、新优势,是大势所趋,也是高质量发展的迫切要求。我们必须依靠创新特别是技术创新,实现动力变化和动能转换。” 总书记的这一重要论述,明确了高质量发展的动力。 通过牢牢抓住自主创新这个“窄鼻子”,我国发展自主性、自主性、安全性稳步提升,中国经济动力澎湃。
北京以南100多公里处的河北雄安新区,塔吊林立,热火朝天。 当代中国共产党人正在带领人民建设未来之城。
“努力建设没有‘城市病’的未来城市,真正把高标准的城市规划蓝图变成高质量的城市发展现实画卷。” 今年5月,习近平总书记再次考察雄安,对雄安寄予厚望。
“目前这个工地有1000多人,每天24小时昼夜不停地作业。” 在雄安城际站、国贸中心项目施工现场,雄安集团雄商公司总经理助理、藏港管委会党委委员罗爽亲眼见证了雄安的快速成长这座承载“千年大计、国家大事”使命的新城:“数百个建设项目正在推进,十万建设者日夜奋战,建设一座没有‘城市病’的未来城市”新时代高质量发展的标杆!”
“努力把京津冀打造成中国式现代化先行区和示范区。” 习近平总书记为京津冀协同发展指明了方向。
我国区域发展差距较大。 如何统筹规划和发展? 习近平总书记指出,“党中央对京津冀等重点地区的发展战略,契合我国新时代高质量发展需要,是推进中国式现代化的有效途径”。 ”。
习近平总书记在四川指出,四川“在国家发展大局特别是实施西部大开发战略中具有独特重要地位”,并呼吁“加强成渝地区协调发展” ;
滔滔黄河滋润河套腹地; 万里林场美化了祖国北疆。
“植树造林、荒漠化治理是一个滚石上山的过程,要想‘绿进退沙’,就得一茬接着一茬!” 内蒙古巴彦淖尔市临河区国有新华林场党支部书记、厂长杜文文在检查树苗时讲述林场不平凡的过去:森林覆盖率从2012年的25.6%提高到沙地面积由20世纪60年代的2.15万英亩减少到5000英亩。
“三北地区的生态非常脆弱,防治荒漠化是一项长期的历史任务,我们必须继续做好这项工作,对得起我们的祖先和子孙后代。” 今年6月,习近平总书记到巴彦淖尔市考察,勉励大家。
“林场实行三类七区管理,管理和保护是重中之重。” 茫茫森林中,90后林场职工钟方帅正在利用“天眼”系统在森林中巡逻。 依靠北斗导航,他只需指尖轻轻一按,就可以对森林资源进行巡查和监测,同时也方便科学规划设计。 “作为林业人,保护北疆绿色长城、筑牢生态安全屏障是我们义不容辞的责任。” 钟方帅斩钉截铁的说道。
7月,全国生态环境保护大会召开。 习近平总书记发表重要讲话强调:“把建设美丽中国摆在强国建设、民族复兴的突出位置”、“加快推进人与自然和谐共生的现代化建设”。
山、河、林、田、湖、草、沙,我总是牵挂、牵挂。 习近平总书记在看生态文明这篇大文章时,始终着眼于历史的高度和子孙后代的高度。 在习近平生态文明思想指引下,绿色成为新时代发展答卷上一道鲜明的底色。
今年上半年,我国空气质量总体优良率保持在较高水平; 水质优良断面比例同比提高2.1个百分点; 单位国内生产总值能源消耗同比下降0.4%。
习近平总书记非常高兴地得知,当地大力发展石榴深加工和石榴盆栽种植,有效增加了农民收入。 总书记指出,人民生活水平不断提高,市场对优质特产的需求不断增长,石榴产业具有发展潜力。 要打造好品牌,提高质量,延伸产业链,增强产业市场竞争力和综合效益,带动更多群众共同致富。 祝愿老百姓的生活像石榴果一样繁荣。
昔日驼铃声,今汽笛鸣。 在陕西西安国际港站,一排排满载汽车、机械设备、生活必需品等货物的中欧班列“长安号”整装待发,驶向中亚和欧洲。
“平均每天约有15趟‘长安号’列车从这里起降,中欧班列‘长安号’在互联互通、合作共赢的道路上跑得更快、更稳、更远。” 西安以来,懋钢建设运营有限公司总经理袁晓军自豪地表示,中哈(西安)商贸物流基地项目将于年底竣工,届时这里将成为中国与中亚国家物流交流的又一“大本营”。
“更加主动融入和服务新发展格局建设,更加深度融入共建‘一带一路’整体格局,增强扩大对内对外开放的动力和活力,开辟发展新天地。” 今年5月,习近平总书记听取了陕西省委、省政府工作报告时强调。
党的二十大以来,我国高水平对外开放蓬勃推进,“朋友圈”越来越大。 空客在天津建设第二条生产线、宝马持续加大在华投资、西门子数控项目落户南京、阿斯利康在青岛设立地区总部……在全球跨境投资低迷的背景下,我国市场的“磁力”越来越强,持续成为全球投资热点。
“考虑人性并将其转化为世界。” 一个国家亘古不变的历史文脉怎样才能传承和传承? 一个民族的悠久文明如何得以传承? 习近平总书记一贯深刻思考这一重大问题。
治水事关国家治理,水脉事关文化脉络。 在总书记心里,大运河是祖先留给我们的宝贵遗产,是流动的文化。
“做好大运河文章。” 习近平总书记强调,大运河文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。 要保护好、传承好、利用好古运河,赋予古运河新的时代面貌。
在河南安阳西北郊,洹水静静地流过殷墟。 刀笔留下的痕迹,甲骨文奇特,印证着千百年的信任历史,记录着方文字的由来。
"Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been interrupted. It has shaped our great nation, and this nation will continue to be great." Just after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China concluded, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here for an inspection, emphasizing that "we must strengthen our cultural confidence. Enhance self-confidence and pride in being Chinese."
"Archaeologists have a lot to do in excavating the connotation of China's excellent traditional culture and protecting the Chinese cultural context." He Yuling, deputy director of the Anyang Work Station of the Institute of Archeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said, "We are constantly making new discoveries, and relevant research is related to the Dayi records recorded in oracle bone inscriptions. The Shang Dynasty is gradually confirmed, further revealing, presenting and restoring the comprehensive and vivid civilization of the Shang Dynasty."
In the opening year, everything is renewed. From the strategic perspective of the sustainable inheritance of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a series of important expositions on the promotion and development of Chinese culture, guiding us to draw the power of cultural confidence from inheritance and development.
In May, at the Shanxi Yuncheng Museum, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must deeply implement the project of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization and lead in-depth research on the history of Chinese civilization.”
In early June, at the Central Headquarters of the National Library of China at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The construction of the National Library of China is a basic project for the construction of a civilized country. It is a landmark cultural project that will serve the present and benefit the future."
In late July, at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The archaeological results of the Sanxingdui site are well-known in the world, showing the achievements of civilization more than 4,000 years ago, and providing a link between the diversity of Chinese civilization, the ancient Shu civilization and the Central Plains. The mutual influence of civilizations provides more powerful archaeological evidence." At the Shaanxi Hanzhong Municipal Museum, the general secretary emphasized: "Protect the Chinese cultural context and make cultural relics come alive to expand the influence of Chinese culture."
A piece of embroidery fabric, a strand of silk thread, and a steel needle are all in a small shop in the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District of the ancient city of Suzhou. Lu Jianying, the representative inheritor of Su embroidery, has his head buried in the brocade and is flying with skillful hands. Many tourists stopped to be impressed by the exquisite Su embroidery and applauded the superb skills.
In July this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here and met Lu Jianying. From her grandmother and mother to her and her daughter, the skill of Su embroidery has been passed down in this family for four generations.
General Secretary Xi Jinping was deeply moved: "The resilience, patience and determination shown by the excellent traditional Chinese culture passed down from generation to generation are part of the spirit of the Chinese nation."
"At that time, I was embroidering a new work, "Peach Blossom Peacebird", and wanted to convey a spirit of perseverance. This spirit is also reflected in our Suzhou embroidery craftsmanship. Only by perseverance can we create excellent works." Lu Jianying Said, "I will continue to study Suzhou embroidery skills and lead more young people to join the inheritance team, so that traditional culture can bloom more gloriously."
Colorful intangible cultural heritage improves the quality of life and highlights the characteristics of civilization; it is passed down from generation to generation and continues to embody the spirit of continuous self-improvement. On the eve of the National Day, the majority of intangible cultural heritage inheritors are busy creating and doing cultural creations, preparing to enter scenic spots and go online. The blending and interaction of tradition and modernity, ancient and popular products has won the favor of consumers.
General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "The 1.4 billion Chinese people have such strong cohesion because we have extensive and profound Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, which is the source of our cultural confidence."
The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation, embodying our common emotions and values, as well as our common ideals and spirit. Only by strengthening cultural self-confidence can we cultivate feelings for our country and our country.
“Cultural self-confidence must be integrated into the spiritual temperament and cultural character of the entire nation, and a high-spirited demeanor and a rational and peaceful mentality must be developed.” General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development.
On September 14, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum opened. That night, in the Shougang Park on the banks of the Yongding River, in front of the Shougang Big Diving Platform, which witnessed the glory of the Beijing Winter Olympics, a theatrical evening was held.
"Poetry is there, the spirit of the spirit is there, the vitality of the times is there, the cultural context of China is there, and we are here!" The situational performance "Elegance Collection" interprets a gathering of five poets including Li Bai and Du Fu. When he recited those popular classic verses, the audience recited them in unison, and many people burst into tears.
"When I blurted out a line of Tang poetry, I realized that poetry flows in the blood of the Chinese people and beats in the genes. I am proud to be Chinese!" Zeng Yuxin, a graduate student at Communication University of China, was filled with emotions and wrote down each stroke in his diary. "One day the roc rises with the wind and soars ninety thousand miles."
In the sky of history, stars shine; in the vast books, there are many things. The rich and magnificent Chinese culture inspires vigorous cultural self-confidence.
Experience youth and love in the Kunqu Opera "The Peony Pavilion"; comprehend oriental aesthetics in the dance poetry drama "Only Green"; enter a poetic country in the movie "Chang'an 30,000 Miles"; learn from the wonderful Beijing Winter Olympics Understand the ideal of "Beauty and Beauty" in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Chengdu Universiade and the Opening Ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games...
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has deeply grasped the historical orientation of the new era, continuously deepened his understanding of the laws of cultural construction with firm cultural consciousness, broad historical vision, and far-reaching strategic considerations, and put forward a series of new ideas. New perspectives and new judgments lead the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, promote the continuous prosperity of Chinese culture and the everlasting Chinese civilization, and effectively promote the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and the construction of a strong socialist cultural country.
When China's excellent traditional culture is vividly integrated into the times, cultural creation will burst out. Excellent literary and artistic works that are immersed in Chinese culture and soaked in the Chinese spirit lead people to absorb the cultural nutrients accumulated by the Chinese nation's long struggle. Cultural confidence is vigorous and high-spirited, and the determination to move forward is extremely strong.
On the journey of the great road, the world is for the common good. Standing at the height of China's five thousand years of civilization and creating a new situation in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we have strong confidence to "go our own way" and glow with more proactive spiritual power.
"The entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups must unite under the party's banner to form a 'hard piece of steel', think in one place and work hard in one place to push the great ship of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to ride the wind and waves and sail away." General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasized when participating in the discussion of the Guangxi delegation at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
Unity and struggle is the consistent main theme of the new era and the only way for the Chinese people to create historical achievements.
As we embark on a new journey, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the people of the country are united and working together, marching forward along the broad road of Chinese modernization. It will surely promote the restoration of Chinese civilization's glory, and will definitely lead a new civilizational path for mankind to move towards a better future!
(Our reporters Liu Weitao, Li Changyu, and Zheng Haiou, our reporters Ding Yasong, Qi Yukun, Zhu Peixian, Gong Shijian, Li Gang, Zhang Tengyang, and Zhang Xi participated in the reporting)