

编辑:生活网      来源:生活网     

2024-06-12 14:05:36 




Screenshot via The Independent

英国《独立报》(The Independent )8月6日报道,昨日,美国两大社交巨头脸书(Facebook)和推特(Twitter)先后删除了特朗普发布的一段视频,因其内容含有关于新冠病毒的错误信息,违反了新冠肺炎疫情相关信息发布规定。


被删内容是一段特朗普在8月5日上午接受福克斯新闻 (Fox News)采访的视频,他在采访中老调重弹,主张校园重新开放,并给出了“儿童对新冠病毒几乎免疫”这一错误信息。

他对记者表现, “孩子几乎能够对新冠病毒免疫。他们更加强壮,我不知道你怎么想,但是他们的免疫系统比我们强得多,他们不会有问题,他们就是不会有问题……他们对于这个疾病几乎是免疫的。”

So far, the U.S. has reported nearly five million confirmed coronavirus cases, a quarter of the worldwide total, and over 158,256 deaths.

Twitter said on Wednesday it had restricted President Donald Trumps campaign from tweeting for its false claims about the coronavirus in a post, which came hours later that Facebook removed a video post from the page of Trump over "harmful COVID misinformation."

Both have removed the post containing a video clip of an interview the president gave to Fox News on Wednesday morning. Trump claimed in the video that children are being almost immune to the virus.

"Children handle it very well," he told reporters. "If you look at the numbers, in terms of mortality, fatalities ... for children under a certain age ... their immune systems are very, very strong and very powerful. They seem to be able to handle it very well and thats according to every statistical claim."

File photo of a Facebook logo. /Reuters

脸书表现,尽管这不是第一次删除特朗普的贴文,但这是第一次因错误的新冠肺炎疫情相关信息而对特朗普的推文“下手”。其发言人安迪·斯通(Andy Stone)称,“该视频中涉及虚假信息,说某类人不受新冠病毒的侵害,违反了我们有关流传疫情信息的政策。”


Stitched photo of Trumps Twitter over "harmful COVID misinformation."


特朗普竞选团队发言人考特尼·帕雷拉(Courtney Parella)在回应此事时指责Facebook公司对特朗普总统有偏见,并批评道,“社交媒体公司并不是真相的仲裁者”。

Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone and Twitter spokesperson both said the video is a violation of their policies around COVID misinformation. Twitter added that "the account owner will be required to remove the Tweet before they can tweet again."

The spokesperson of Facebook added it was the first time the company removed a Trump post over coronavirus misinformation. However, its not the first time that the company removed content from the presidents page.

Twitter by the Trump campaign had been shared from the presidents main account and the video is no longer available on both accounts, suggesting the campaign had complied with the order and removed the video.

In response to the takedown, Courtney Parella, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign criticized Silicon Valley for being biased against Trump, saying "social media companies are not the arbiters of truth."


《科学》杂志(The Science Journal)的一项研究表明,14岁以下儿童的新冠病毒感染几率是成人的三分之一至二分之一。


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that while adults make up most of the known COVID-19 cases to date, some children and infants have been sick with the disease and they can also transmit it to others.

A study made by the Science journal has shown that children under age 14 are between one-third and one-half as likely as adults to contract the virus.

An example that can directly proves scientists claims is the fact that hundreds of children, who ranged in age from six to 19, contracted the coronavirus at just one summer camp in the U.S. state of Georgia last month.

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