【汽车之家资讯】日前,深圳市工业和信息化局印发加快建设“新一代世界级汽车城”三年行动计划。 根据《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035年)》、《广东省汽车战略支柱产业集群发展行动计划(2021-2025年)》、《深圳市人民政府关于新能源汽车产业发展壮大的意见》战略性新兴产业集群培育发展按照《关于未来产业的意见》等文件要求,结合本市实际情况,制定本行动方案。
通过三年建设,目标是到2025年,汽车技术水平、场景应用和产业规模跻身全国前列,新能源汽车、智能网联汽车竞争优势进一步扩大,产业空间布局不断完善,品质和品牌效益不断提升。 以新技术、新模式、新业态为核心的汽车创新体系基本形成。 在扩大和加强汽车产品国际贸易的基础上,汽车消费理念和生活方式引领世界。
先进制造业发展的增长极。 到2025年,全市新能源汽车年产量将突破200万辆,全球汽车“含量”大幅提升,汽车产业工业产值将达到万亿级规模。 不断提高核心竞争力,培育引进一批整车及关键零部件企业,引导一批传统ICT企业向汽车电子领域拓展,发展一批创新生产模式,探索建立数字汽车城,打造世界级新能源汽车产业集群。 推动新能源汽车全生命周期绿色发展,打造“绿色制造+低碳应用”发展模式。 产业空间不断拓展,产业分工协作不断优化,配套设施更加完善,产业辐射带动能力不断提高。 立足深圳、辐射湾区、放眼世界,“一核、两核、多区”的产业空间布局已基本形成。
关键技术创新领先。 第三代功率半导体、新系统动力电池、驱动电机、电机控制器、智能装备、整车集成及车网交互等领域达到世界领先水平。 汽车级芯片、智能传感器、自动驾驶等领域技术核心竞争力显着提升。 着力推动汽车操作系统引领国际国内标准,汽车产业软件产业生态逐步完善。
车-能-路-云融合试验场。 全力打造智慧城市基础设施和智能网联汽车,统筹推进“双智”试点城市发展,扩大智能网联汽车应用规模,完善网络化、智能化交通基础设施建设。 率先开展智能网联汽车接入试点,示范运营超1000辆,商业应用全国领先。 创建国家智能网联汽车试验区、车联网试验区、国家智能网联汽车高质量发展示范标杆城市。 2025年,充电桩数量将达到60万个,超充站将达到300个。 推动综合能源供应体系建设,加强新能源汽车与电网高效创新融合互动,推动废旧动力电池回收梯次利用。
推广应用示范试验区。 到2025年,新能源汽车保有量将达到130万辆,新能源汽车市场渗透率达到70%,位居全国第一。 扩大新能源汽车示范应用场景,推动氢燃料电池、替代燃料等技术和产品商业化,努力创建公共车辆全面电动化试点城市,试行统一设计和运营服务标准对于车辆。 树立深圳新能源汽车质量标杆,引领全球新能源及智能网联汽车标准法规建设。 新能源汽车新消费、新体验模式逐步丰富,汽车文化和创意设计引领。 推动汽车金融、交付、采购综合服务中心建设。
新能源汽车出口桥头堡。 加快构建深圳汽车“产供销、内外贸、上下游”一体化发展体系。 依托生产、运输、贸易一站式出口基地,扩大与国内外领先汽车企业的合作,拓展汽车出口运输路线,加快打造新能源汽车。 以汽车贸易、维修、检测、物流、金融为一体的出口基地,将加快构建“买全球、卖全球”的现代汽车产业体系。 到2025年,年出口量将突破60万辆。 以国际联赛、展会、活动为媒介,提升汽车产业国际化发展水平。
1、整车集成和数字化制造技术突破。 加强整车集成技术创新,推动企业开发新一代模块化高性能整车平台,突破车身集成轻量化技术、底盘集成技术、线控底盘集成技术、多能源动力系统集成技术、基于域控制器的新型电子电气架构和以能源管理为核心的智能控制技术。 推动内燃机低碳发展,重点发展插电式混合动力(含增程式)、替代燃料内燃机等领域,推动传统汽车转型升级。 支持企业建立数字化制造工艺体系,推广使用数控机床、数字控制器、工业网络装备、工业机器人等,提高汽车生产数字化、智能化、柔性化制造能力,打造汽车制造的典范。汽车行业的“灯塔工厂”。 (责任单位:市科创委、工业和信息化局、发展改革委)
2.发展新一代电池技术创新与突破。 支持高镍三元正极、无钴正极、磷酸锰铁锂正极、硅基负极、锂金属负极、固体电解质、新型电解质、轻质电池等先进电池材料的技术创新。薄隔膜,鼓励发展46系大型圆柱电池、非模块化(CTP)、电芯与底盘一体化(CTC)等电池结构优化技术研发,突破固相等新一代电池技术状态电池。 支持光伏发电关键技术(控制策略、电力系统集成)、关键零部件(双极板、膜电极、高性能电堆)和关键材料(催化剂、碳纸、质子交换膜、高压储氢瓶)开发其他领域燃料电池汽车研发及产业化应用。 (责任单位:市科创委、工业和信息化局、发展改革委)
3.加强电机控制和充电前瞻性技术研究。 支持新型驱动电机、一体化电驱动总成等先进产品研发,重点突破第三代功率半导体、轮毂电机等前瞻性技术。 推动基于第三代功率半导体的充电模块研发,开发液冷直流大功率产品等超级快充产品,加快移动充电、无线充电、自动充电、智能充电等新技术研究充电有序,光储充电协同控制。 和商业应用。 (责任单位:市科创委、工业和信息化局、发展改革委)
4、引领智能技术研发。 支持激光雷达、毫米波雷达、机器视觉、高精度地图与定位、域控制器等智能领域,车载无线通信、云服务终端等网络化领域,以及操作系统、电动化平台等共性基础技术领域加速研究与开发。 推动高端微控制器(MCU)、功率器件、功率控制模拟芯片、车载/车间通信芯片、大功率主控芯片、计算芯片、片上系统(SOC)等产品的开发、测试和认证。 )芯片。 支持智能网联汽车领域通用大模型商业化应用,驯化复杂自动驾驶工况模型计算,推动人工智能技术现网验证和技术迭代。 鼓励科学计算、系统建模与仿真、电子设计自动化(EDA)等工业设计软件创新升级。 加强开源车载操作系统等创新应用,推动车载操作系统、中间件和各类应用软件发展,提高车载软件功能多元化和车载远程升级(OTA)能力。 突破汽车功能安全、信息安全领域核心技术。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、科创委、发展改革委)
5、打造高水平汽车研发创新平台。 面向全球引进新能源与智能网联汽车技术创新研究机构,依托企业、高校、科研院所,建设一批国家级、省级技术创新中心、制造业创新中心、重点实验室、工程研发中心、企业技术中心。以及科研机构、工业设计中心等创新平台。 研究设立新能源与智能网联汽车技术创新重大专项,力争突破一批关键核心技术。 打造基于数字孪生和仿真的产业链数字化流通平台,打造数字汽车城。 (责任单位:市科创委、工业和信息化局、发展改革委)
6.构建安全可控的数字化监管服务平台。 建立粤港澳大湾区(深圳)新能源汽车“一网统管”大数据平台,提高新能源汽车产业链融合度和信息化监管水平,实现更多超过100万辆新能源汽车、100万辆充电桩和百个万组动力电池接入能力。 探索建立新能源汽车数字仿真分析平台,实现新能源汽车适配开发、性能测试、总装生产全流程大数据共享服务。 全面合规利用汽车大数据,助力智能交通、智慧城市建设发展。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、交通运输局、公安交警局、商务局)
7.优化新能源汽车能源供应基础设施布局。 统一规划、建设和运营新能源汽车充换电、储放一体化的新型基础设施,加快建设一批新能源汽车充换电基础设施,规划更新一批老旧设施,完善新建基础设施智能化水平。 推进氢/油/电综合能源供应站和多功能智能杆建设,规划推进超级快速充电设施网点布局。 落实新建居住社区充电基础设施建设要求,引导社区充电基础设施“统一建设、统一服务”有序接入。 引导电网企业开展配套电网扩容改造,合理储备电力容量。 (责任单位:市发展改革委、规划自然资源局、住建局、国资委、深圳市供电局)
八、将整个深汕特别合作区建设成为世界一流的汽车制造名城。 加强重大项目引领,实施产业链精准招商,推动集群发展,建设高端整车制造创新中心、绿色零部件制造中心、前沿技术应用示范中心、国际汽车贸易枢纽中心。 依托小磨国际物流港布局商贸物流业态,以神山中心区总部核心区为基础建设“鄂部-小磨先进制造园、建设“鄂门先进制造园区、鄂部乡”。 绿色电源产业园、高端电子化学品产业园、光储充产业园三大专业园和动力电池、汽车电子、车联网、未来汽车四大主题产业园,加快建设“一园”港口一核三区四带”“产城港一体化发展新格局”。(责任单位:深汕特别合作区管委会、市发展改革委、交通运输局、工业和信息化局、商务局)
9.将坪山—龙岗片区、南山—宝安片区建设成为世界领先的汽车研发创新中心。 支持坪山—龙岗片区建设世界一流的综合性新能源汽车研发创新中心,重点打造以龙头企业、研发机构、高校为重点的集生产、生活、生态为一体的研发集群。 支持南山-宝安片区建设智能网联汽车研发创新中心,开展智能网联汽车关键技术研发和应用,聚集行业领军企业开展智能网联关键技术研发智能算法系统、激光雷达、车载通信等技术。 (责任单位:坪山区政府、龙岗区政府、南山区政府、宝安区政府、市前海管理局、市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、生态环境局、人力资源保障局、交通运输局、交通运输局商务部、教育局、卫健委)
10.打造差异化特色产业区。 在龙岗区布局整车及核心零部件研发、生产制造总部,在龙华区建设新能源汽车及关键零部件制造产业园,在光明区、大鹏新区建设车规级芯片和动力电池盐田区及其材料、充电设施等生产制造产业园,在盐田区建设国际氢能源产业园,支持宝安区规划世界级汽车电子产业集群,支持福田区发展汽车电子产业集群。智能网联汽车级芯片研发设计和运营示范,建设罗湖区新能源汽车和二手车流通消费集散中心。 (责任单位:区政府、新区管委会、市工业和信息化局、发展改革委)
11.加强区域协调联动。 深港两地将共同布局未来汽车研发、设计和贸易服务,搭建国际交流合作平台,推动深港汽车产业深度融合。 创新“深圳总部+飞地生产”新发展模式,支持深圳国际化总部、研发、母厂项目,鼓励本地企业合作建设城外飞地汽车产业园。 推动深圳与惠州、汕尾、汕头、潮州等地积极探索协同发展,与广州、佛山等地开展智能网联汽车道路测试、跨城市互认和燃料电池技术创新,与东莞、中山、云浮等开展关键材料领域合作,与东莞、江门、阳江等在氢源供应、动力电池梯级利用等领域开展合作,推动产业联动发展。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、科创委、商务局、交通运输局、地方金融监管局、乡村振兴和合作交流局)
12、打造完整的汽车产业链。 支持龙头企业做强、做大、做优,鼓励与国内外龙头企业合作。 支持龙头企业优化生产布局,引进1-2家新能源汽车龙头企业,扩大深圳新能源汽车产业规模。 城市联动盘活汽车制造产能等闲置资源,带动产业链、供应链核心环节在深圳的布局。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、规划自然资源局、商务局、各区政府、新区管委会、深汕特别合作区管委会)
13.巩固优势产业链。 推动先进电池产业链供应链生态系统试点建设,增强先进电池材料产业集群领先优势。 推动产业链供应链开放合作,提高汽车零部件供应水平和本地配套率。 鼓励先进技术企业对外提供电动化、节能系统解决方案,帮助传统车企向电动化转型。 鼓励本土龙头企业扩大规模,增强产业链驱动能力、研发创新能力、市场引领能力,推动高端产能回流。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、商务局、中小企业服务局、各区政府、新区管委会、深汕特别合作区管委会)
14.加强产业短板建设。 建立产业链诊断和安全保障平台,加快补短板,提高产业链韧性。 积极引进汽车制动、转向、热管理、内外饰件等传统零部件龙头企业。 围绕燃料电池、飞行汽车、自动驾驶、共享出行等前沿领域和新兴业态,加大培育一批专精特新企业。 鼓励企业加强上游矿产项目布局,实现核心资源可控。 推动汽车行业软件核心技术研究,支持汽车行业软件规模化应用。 推动汽车装备制造发展,鼓励一体化压铸机和汽车模具开发应用。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、科创委、发展改革委、商务局、各区政府、新区管委会、深汕特别合作区管委会)
15、培育汽车电子新动能。 充分发挥深圳电子信息产业优势,引导电子信息企业拓展汽车电子业务,加快汽车级产品认证。 重点推动汽车操作系统、汽车级芯片、自动驾驶算法、智能传感器及整车等产业链核心领域协同发展,打造智能化、网联化、智能化方向的创新联合体支持深圳汽车电子产业发展壮大,培育智能座舱、智能驾驶、智能网联领域优质企业。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、科创委、发展改革委)
16.加快智能网联汽车规模化应用。 积极申报国家智能网联汽车接入和道路交通试点。 加快5.9GHz车联网专用频率技术测试和商用,推动车联网、数字能源和城市交通协同发展,鼓励车路协同基础设施较为完善的行政区开展全区域车路协同开放智能网联汽车道路测试和示范应用,探索开展商业运营。 支持坪山区、南山妈湾智慧港区等开展国家智能交通试点应用(自动驾驶、智能航运方向)示范工作,积极申报试点项目,支持公交车和智能港区自动驾驶示范运营出租车。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、交通运输局、发改委、区政府、新区管委会、深汕特别合作区管委会、市前海管理局)
17.建设国家级车联网试验区。 支持坪山区建设国家级车联网试验区、国家级“双智”试点示范区、国家级智能网联汽车试验区。 推动坪山区完成深圳市智能网联交通测试示范平台建设,打造全场景、多维度智能网联汽车测试能力,开展坪山区全域网联基础设施建设和道路设施智能化改造,部署智能信号灯、多功能智能杆、C-V2X路侧单元等设备。 提高车端网联设备普及率,构建大数据云控平台,提高智能网联汽车的安全性和效率。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、发展改革委、交通运输局、坪山区政府)
18.建立健全智能网联汽车发展的支撑管理体系。 建立智能网联汽车地方准入、注册登记、质量监管、道路运输运营、网络与数据安全、道路交通安全等管理制度,搭建智能网联汽车政府统一监管平台,研究推出适合智能网联汽车保险条款及相关内容的制度。管理政策。 (责任单位:市工业和信息化局、交通运输局、发展改革委、深圳银保监局)
19.促进汽车生产绿色电力消费。 积极利用产业园区风电、水电、分布式光伏等清洁能源,打造源网荷储一体化项目,支持汽车产业园区和汽车制造企业提高绿色电力使用比例,与大型企业合作。规模新能源发电企业建设绿色电力保障工程。 支持企业通过电力交易市场和中国绿色电力证书认购交易平台购买绿色电力和绿色证书,开展汽车产品和低碳产品碳足迹标签认证和推广。 (责任单位:市发展改革委、深圳市供电局)
20.加强车网交互技术创新应用。 支持整车企业、充电设施建设运营企业、电网企业联合开展新能源汽车与电网(V2G)、家庭(V2H)、公共建筑(V2B)能源互动示范,探索新能源汽车与电网(V2G)、家庭(V2H)、公共建筑(V2B)能源互动示范,探索新能源汽车与电网(V2G)、家庭(V2H)、公共建筑(V2B)能源互动示范。新能源汽车与智慧能源深度融合。 提高新能源汽车充电设施规模化响应能力,加快新能源汽车移动储能虚拟电站和充储网络建设。 (责任单位:市发展改革委、工业和信息化局、深圳市供电局)
21.推动汽车循环经济发展。 加强报废车辆在机动车登记、使用、回收拆解等方面的监督管理,促进汽车生产企业、回收拆解企业、资源再生企业之间的协作。 推动新能源汽车企业、废旧动力电池回收企业建设标准化回收服务网点。 加大对动力电池回收利用的支持力度,开展成套先进技术装备推广应用,推动动力电池标准化梯次利用和资源循环利用,在深汕特别合作区开展试点示范。 培育一批动力电池回收拆解、梯次利用、循环利用骨干企业,推动废旧动力电池回收利用产业发展。 (责任单位:市商务局、工业和信息化局、发展改革委、生态环境局、深汕特别合作区管委会)
22. Increase the promotion of new energy vehicles. Further relax the application conditions for new energy vehicle indicators, and release the purchase potential of new energy vehicles. Strive to create a pilot city for the comprehensive electrification of public vehicles. Consolidate the results of the comprehensive electrification of urban buses, cruising taxis, and online taxis, try to implement unified design and operation service standards for vehicles, and create a new business card for urban green and low-carbon development. Promote the cleanliness of new and replaced vehicles such as official vehicles (except for special purposes), urban logistics distribution vehicles, postal vehicles, airport vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, and sanitation vehicles. Expand the promotion and application scenarios of the battery replacement model, explore the vehicle operation model in the public sector such as the separation of vehicles and electricity, and lead the creation of a new urban green travel service system. Implement the relevant work deployment of "new energy vehicles to the countryside", and carry out the promotion of new energy vehicles and infrastructure. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Agency Affairs Management Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Commerce Bureau, Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange Bureau, Civil Aviation Shenzhen Supervision Bureau)
23. Carry out demonstration applications of fuel cells and alternative fuels. Relying on the national fuel cell vehicle demonstration application city clusters, promote the demonstration and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in heavy-duty and long-distance transportation and other fields. Carry out application demonstrations of hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks, tractors, forklifts, and other engineering vehicles in scenarios such as warehousing, logistics, ports, sanitation, and construction sites, and plan to open cross-regional intercity public transportation hydrogen energy bus passenger lines. Promote the large-scale application of LNG vehicles in the fields of garbage hook trucks and engineering vehicles. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Transportation)
(8) The international development project of the automobile industry.
24. Build an international exchange and cooperation platform. Build a service platform for overseas development of enterprises, strengthen international market and policy research, and provide effective support for enterprises to "go overseas". Explore the establishment of an "International Urban Auto Industry Alliance" with major international auto industry cities and emerging market regions. Actively host world-class auto forums, international self-driving car challenges, international auto design competitions and other large-scale events, and provide "Shenzhen solutions" to the world in terms of industrial cultivation, technological innovation, promotion and application, and supporting facility construction. (Responsible units: Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, District Governments, New District Management Committee, Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee)
25. Build a large-scale export base. Accelerate the improvement of the integrated development system of "production, supply and marketing, domestic and foreign trade, upstream and downstream" of automobiles. Create an automobile export product system with coordinated development of new cars and second-hand cars, and expand cooperation with leading car companies at home and abroad. Expand the transportation channels for automobile export, support Xiaomo International Logistics Port to increase international automobile ro-ro routes, promote the opening of Yantian International Container Terminal to open a special line for automobile container transportation, and explore the use of China-Europe Express to transport automobile products. Improve testing and certification, logistics warehousing, financial and trade supporting facilities, cultivate a group of international automobile dealership trade, freight forwarding, and financial service enterprises, and provide integrated solutions for enterprises that carry out import and export of complete vehicles and parts through Shenzhen. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Trade Promotion Committee, Shenzhen Customs, District Governments, New District Management Committee, Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee)
(9) Quality standard service leading project.
26. Create a national new energy vehicle testing and certification service platform. Support the introduction of national new energy vehicle and intelligent networked vehicle testing institutions. Support local testing institutions to apply for national testing center qualification. Accelerate the construction of the national electric vehicle battery and charging system industry measurement and testing center, support the establishment of an integrated public service platform relying on the testing center, and realize the one-stop service of automotive product research and development testing, access inspection, quality and safety, and third-party certification. (Responsible units: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Commerce Bureau)
27. Build an innovation platform for automotive standards. Attract national standardization organizations to set up standard research institutes in our city, explore national standardization committees to set up professional committees in our city, and actively strive to undertake the construction of national technical standard innovation bases. Establish a municipal-level standard innovation platform, and promptly formulate the technical standards required for the promotion of new technologies, new products, new formats, and new models. Encourage enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutions to participate in the formulation of national and international standards in key areas such as intelligent networked vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, automotive-grade chips, automotive operating systems, in-vehicle environmental assessment and control technologies, and promote the transformation from Shenzhen manufacturing to Shenzhen creation , Shenzhen speed to Shenzhen quality, Shenzhen products to Shenzhen brand. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau)
(10) Car cultural and creative experience promotion project.
28. Create a car culture with Shenzhen characteristics. Actively introduce international high-end new energy automobile brands, support the brand internationalization and high-end development of automobile enterprises in our city, and promote the improvement of product quality and brand communication capabilities. Support the construction of automobile theme parks, automobile museums, automobile exhibition centers, automobile culture clubs, automobile theaters, automobile camping parks, etc., promote the development of classic car culture tourism, encourage the establishment of city-wide automobile culture festivals, build automobile culture experience belts, and cultivate national new Energy vehicle future cultural experience area. Encourage enterprises to launch customized models with a sense of technology, personality, fashion and exclusiveness, cultivate personalized car IP, explore and carry out car modification demonstrations, and create a unique Shenzhen car brand culture. Cultivate the auto exhibition industry and create an international exhibition of new energy vehicles with global influence. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Market Supervision Bureau, Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, district governments, New District Management Committee, Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee)
29. Create a new model of creative experience. Improve the ability of automobile creative design, cultivate 1-2 national automobile industry design centers, and promote the widespread application of fashion design concepts in automobile production, manufacturing, modification and other links. Support the development of new business models and new models such as car metaverse and car customization. Support the integrated development of automobiles and sports, tourism, smart home, urban emergency management, urban public services, etc., encourage vehicle companies, travel companies, technology companies, etc. to jointly build a new ecology of travel as a service and transportation as a service, and provide customized vehicle development, assets Integrated solutions for operations, vehicle scheduling, etc. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Transportation, Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, Bureau of Commerce, District Governments, New District Management Committee, Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee)
30. Promote the high-quality development of the automotive aftermarket. Actively guide the innovation of new car circulation models, support enterprises in the development of new car sales service models such as right-of-use transactions and financial leasing, encourage online and offline digital marketing activities at home and abroad, build a modern car circulation system, and continuously and steadily increase the number of large-scale car sales. 消耗。 Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the used car trading market, provide diversified and systematic services, support enterprises to vigorously develop the used car distribution model, encourage vehicle manufacturers to carry out officially certified used car business, and promote the standardized and branded development of the used car industry. Support vehicle companies, distribution companies, and maintenance companies to innovate after-sales service models, improve the technical level of new energy vehicle maintenance, and improve the quality of new energy vehicle after-sales services. Optimize insurance and financial services for the entire life cycle of the new energy vehicle industry chain, encourage enterprises to build headquarters bases integrating automobile procurement centers, delivery centers, and financial centers, and promote the construction of an automotive aftermarket ecosystem. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Bureau of Transportation, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, District Governments, New District Management Committee, Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Management Committee)
(1) Strengthen strategic determination and establish a coordinated and unified working mechanism.
With the core orientation of creating a "new generation of world-class automobile city", establish a cross-regional, cross-field and cross-departmental development coordination mechanism for the automobile industry, clarify the division of labor and implement work responsibilities. Establish an expert advisory committee of the Shenzhen New Energy Automobile Industry Alliance to provide decision-making support for the high-quality transformation and upgrading of the industry. Establish an automobile industry service platform to support the development of the city's automobile industry in a professional, standardized and systematic manner.
(2) Do a good job of element guarantee and provide all-round support for project implementation.
Strengthen the guarantee of land, water, energy consumption indicators and other elements, and fully meet the elements of investment projects. For scientific and technological innovation enterprises and teams, provide "housekeeping" service, and provide comprehensive one-stop service guarantee for enterprises in terms of cost reduction, efficiency increase and quality improvement.
(3) Strengthen financial support and expand financing channels for enterprises and projects.
Actively strive for automobile-related industry guidance funds and various social capitals to increase investment in projects in our city, establish municipal-level new energy automobile industry funds, new material industry funds, etc., give full play to the core role of leading enterprises, and vigorously support major new energy automobile projects and technical research. Strengthen overall planning and coordination in the urban area, realize the linkage of fiscal, tax and financial policies, and improve efficiency. Support financial institutions to carry out industrial chain financial product and service innovation, and broaden corporate financing channels.
(4) Strengthen the construction of talents and expand the team of outstanding and outstanding talents.
Promote the construction of interdisciplinary technological innovation related to the new energy vehicle industry by the scientific research institutes of universities, support the establishment of a multi-level talent training system that meets the needs of industrial development through the "school-enterprise cooperation" mechanism, support the construction of intelligent networked vehicle technology application majors, and cultivate intelligent network Technical and skilled talents required for the positions of connected vehicle assembly, testing, operation and maintenance, R&D assistants, etc. For outstanding talents in the field of new energy vehicles cultivated and introduced, complete and implement supporting measures in social security, housing, medical care, life, children's education, etc., to create an ecological environment suitable for living and working. Support the deployment of national and local industrial research institutions in Shenzhen, and build a leading expert guidance and think tank support system for the development of the automobile industry.
(5) Establish a monitoring system to promote the healthy development of the automobile industry.
Establish a statistical monitoring system for the entire industry chain of automobile production, supply and marketing, formulate statistical classification standards and industrial measurement methods for the upstream and downstream of the automobile industry chain, search and sort out upstream and downstream enterprises in the automobile industry chain, strengthen production capacity monitoring and early warning and industry situation analysis, and contribute to the construction of a new generation of world First-class Auto City provides basic data support.