

编辑:147小编      来源:147小编     

2024-07-04 06:54:13 









On May 16, Tiktok blogger "Kuangshong Brothers" released a video, saying that when buying seafood in the Lianyungang seafood and vegetable direct market in Jiangsu, they encountered "ghost scales", sought the market management to deal with them, and were robbed of their mobile phones, causing concern.

On the morning of the 17th, relevant personnel from the Lianyungang Market Supervision Administration told the Paper News (www.thepaper. cn) that the incident has been investigated by the Haizhou District Market Supervision Administration and is currently being dealt with. Progress will be reported. An insider saw in the seafood and vegetable direct sales market that the seafood stall involved has been closed.

The video released by "Crazy Brother" shows that the blogger purchased climbing shrimp from a stall in the market and found a problem with the merchants scale through self provided weight testing. "The scale on the 500 gram weight shows 630 grams, and the weight can be adjusted freely from" unit price one "to" unit price three ".". The blogger claimed that the crawling shrimp he bought was half a kilogram less, about 30 yuan per kilogram. When negotiating with the merchant, they snatched the bag containing the shrimp, tore it, and threw it away. They also attempted to move the scale away.

The video shows that after the blogger complained to the market management, the other party said, "You deleted the video for me, otherwise I wont handle it for you." Then a man came and snatched his phone. After the blogger ran out of the market, someone still chased after him and shouted, "Delete the video.".

According to the stall owner next to the seafood stall involved, on the morning of the 17th, many citizens flooded into the market. They didnt come to buy seafood, but instead "checked in" at the stall involved. "Our business was greatly affected today, and I made one order in the morning, and 20 orders yesterday morning."


连云港 Lianyungang市场管理 market management ; market administration ; market control连云港市 Lianyungang city监督管理 Supervision ; administration ; Regulatory ; supervise and management ; supervision and administration海州 Haizhou ; haeju ; Caiju管理局 administration ; management (office) ; government agency in charge of the administration of railways/ highways/forestry/etc.视频显示 video display该博 see also 赅博有问题 have questions ; problematic ; questionable ; doubtful ; unreliable


An insider saw [in the seafood] || and vegetable direct | sales market (that the seafood stall involved) has been closed.


(saw 为 see 的过去式。)

* saw 为谓语,接纳一般过去时。

* and 为并列连词,连接并列句。

* direct 为谓语,接纳一般现在时。

* sales 开头为宾语从句,引导词 that 被省略。

* that 为关系代词,引导定语从句。

* involved 为谓语,接纳一般过去时。

* closed 为谓语,接纳现在完成时和被动语态。

* has, been 为助动词。the 为定冠词。an 为不定冠词。



insider [insaidә] n. 知内情者,内部的人

see [si:] vi. 1) 理解,明白,领会 2) 看见,见到,看出

seafood n. 海味, 海鲜

and [ænd] conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并 2) 然后,接着

vegetable [vedʒәtәbl] n. 1) 蔬菜 2) 植物人

direct [direkt] vt. 1) 导演(戏剧或电影),指挥(管弦乐队) 2) 把……对准(某方向或某人)

sale [seil] n. 1) 销售,出售 2) 销售量

market [mɑ:kit] n. 1) 市场,集市,商场 2) 交易,买卖,交易量

stall [stɔ:l] n. 1) 货摊,摊位,售货亭(尤指集市上的) 2) 牲畜棚,马厩,牛棚

involve [invɔlv] vt. 1) (使)到场,加入 2) 包罗,需要,使成为一定部门(或结果)

close [klәuz] vt. 1) 关,关闭 2) 使结束,终止


"Our business was [greatly] affected [today], || and I made one order [in the morning, and 20 orders] [yesterday morning]."


(made 为 make 的过去式。)

* affected 为谓语,接纳一般过去时和被动语态。

* 第1个 and 为并列连词,连接并列句。

* made 为谓语,接纳一般过去时。

* I 为人称代词主格。our 为形容词型物主代词。was 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



in the morning 在早上

yesterday morning 昨天上午


business [biznis] n. 1) 商业,买卖,生意 2) 商务,公事

greatly [greitli] ad. 很,非常,大大地

affect [әfekt] vt. 1) 影响 2) (疾病)侵袭,感染

today [tәdei] ad. 1) 今天, 当今 2) 现在,当今,今世

make [meik] vt. 1) 做, 制作, 创造,创作, 建造 2) 使出现, 形成 3) 引起, 使产生

one [wʌn] a. 1) 一的;一个的;一个人的 2) 单独一个的, 仅仅一个的

order [ɔ:dә] n. 1) 指示,命令 2) 顺序,序次

and [ænd] conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并 2) 然后,接着返回搜狐,检察更多


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